Thursday 4 November 2010

CTS lecture

Panopticism - Surveillance and society

The panopticon

Michel Foucaut
Madness and civilisation
discipline and punish  the birth of the prison

The great confinement (late 1600's) house of correction to curb unemployment and idleness

unwedded pregnant woman, drunks, mad men
make them work, make them normal

hide them away so society seems normal
forced to work, beaten

The emergence of forms of knowledge - biology, psychiatry, medicine, etc
legitimise the practise of hospitals, doctors, psychiatrists

the pillory
shown to be abnormal publicity humiliated

1870- Guy Forkes - hung

disciplinary society and power keep us under surveillance control conduct, behaviour aptitudes, improve performance

Jeremy Banthon

Millbank 1867
constantly visible

Internalises in the individual the conscious state that he is always being watched

eventually didnt need to be watched people were so scared of doing anything wrong

Laboratory to judge the insane experiment on them

allows scrutiny
allows supervisor to experiment on subjects
aims to make them productive

reforms prisoners

offices- open plan desks
worker always being watched or think they are
bars, pubs
google maps

knowing we're being watched cause's us to change

relationship between power knowledge and the body

'Power relations have an immediate hold upon it, the body, they invest it, mark it, train it, torture it, force it, ..

disciplinary society produces what faucalt calls docile bodies

self monitory
slef correcting
obedient bodies

disciplinary techniques
Danaher, Schirato and webb 2000

gym, glass windows

nazi sport event
cult of health
nazi de generate art

don't smoke or drink, not because its bad for you, because if you do you become ill and therefore useless to society

definition is not a top down model as with marxism

Power is not a thing or a capacity people have its a relation between different individuals and only exists when it is being exercised

the exercise of power relies on there being the capacity for power to be resisted

where there is power there is resistance

Bruce Nauman
Video corridor pieces 9late 1960's)

Chris Burden, Samson 1985


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